How to Make Money Going Too Garage Sales
This article will tell you how to earn money shopping at garage, tag, rummage and yard sales. It will show you how to make going to sales a profitable part time business as well as buying things for your home and personal use.
First thing to plan is what you want. Do you need something for the home such as garden, kitchen, tools or outdoor chairs? Why not go to a sale save money and when you buy these items at not only do you save money but you also save the environment also. Maybe you are a collector of something. Personally I have seen antiques, coins, vintage, stamps, memorabilia, records, toys, advertising and anything else you can possibly thing of. Keep a mental note or write a list of things you maybe want. Also good things to pick up are broken jewelry; the price of gold is at an all time high. If you sell on eBay go to http://pulse.ebay.com/ to find out what's selling on eBay the best or what's hot.
Then locate the sales by newspapers not only the major papers in you are but the tiny ones you get in the mail or stores such as super markets and Laundromats. Pay particular too these little publications because these hidden sales is where you may find that rare item or items at a great price. Also keep your eyes open for signs and announcements of sales. Also listen for sales. Another place to look is on the internet particular you will find undiscovered sales on Craig's list and if you live on Long island New York you can go to the author's website longislandgaragetagsale.com where you will also find links to various web sites.
Then when you locate the sales draw a map so that you can go to as many sales is possible. With gasoline prices at an all time high plan your day as efficient as possible by going to sales that are located close to each other. Remember if you go to sales where the item you want is too expensive at the end of the sale if the item is still there at the end, the price might be right. Remember at the sale the price of everything is negotiable.
After you come back to your home with all you finds. Now comes the time where you can make a few bucks. If you collect things go to the places where you buy them and offer to sell what you got. Plus you can also list things on eBay or Craig list.
Remember do this as a business. Do not spend to much time at any one sale the idea is to hit as many sales as possible. You are not at sales to make friends do not worry about getting things to cheap that's what you are there for. Don't pay more than 25 percent if you are reselling collectables. Follow this article you will save money and the enviorment good luck and god bless.
ARTICLE SOURCE: http://www.articlesbase.com/hobbies-articles/how-to-make-money-going-too-garage-sales-381703.html